Introduction to Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology

1. The Human Body

Let’s take a look at ourselves for a second…look at your hand, wiggle it around a bit! Stick your tongue out, raise your eyebrows, listen to the sounds around you, hold your breath for a few seconds. These are all things we do all the time; they seem so simple, and we rarely pay any attention to how we do them! In fact, each one of these actions is incredibly complex and relies on several different systems of the body working together in harmony.

The human body is arguably one of the most complex organisms on this planet. When you start to think about it, the human body and how it works is fascinating!

Did you know? When you blush, the inside of your stomach does too. When you listen to music, your heartbeat tries to replicate the beat and sync with the rhythm.

This course in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology will explore the human body and the way it works…and how it can go wrong.