Unit 1 - Introduction to TEFL

1. Why Teach EFL?

Depending on who you ask, motivations for teaching English as a Foreign Language can vary from wanting to travel the world whilst working, to finding out if teaching is the career for you.

The thought of moving abroad to live and work can be daunting as you are not only standing up in a classroom to teach a lesson, but you might be integrating into a new environment with a new culture and an unknown language.

In your role as an EFL Teacher, you will be making a difference to the employability, confidence and life opportunities of your students. As your teaching progresses, look forward to keeping in touch with your students as they develop their English.

This course will give you the tools to plan lessons, design tasks and ensure you are getting the most out of your learners. 

Before you begin, take some time to think about the reasons you have chosen to take this course, where you hope it will take you and what you want to get out of it long-term. 

HELPFUL HINT: Use your study guide to make notes as you read through the unit!

When you have completed this Unit you will be approximately 5% through the 180 hour course.